UX24/7 does research and usability testing all over the world and is always looking for people to participate and get paid for helping out.
We have lots of different clients from a variety of industries, public sector and not for profit so the majority of people who register are able to participate.
We also need people with a range of experience and who own different devices like smart phones and tablets as well as PC’s, Mac’s, Game consoles and interactive TV’s.
What’s involved?
First we will ask you to register. Registering allows us to capture all the information we need to align you with our customers projects. We will notify you after registration if you are approved to be invited to participate in future research.
Once registered and approved you could be invited to participate in usability testing, that takes place in a lab with a one way mirror, and online research that you can complete at home or anywhere you can be online.
A typical usability test will take about an hour and you should allow 1 hour 30 minutes so as not to be rushed. During a usability test we will video you and your screen movements and anything you say – you will be asked to think aloud. Your input and feedback will be used to help our clients improve their user interface.
An online research project could take 30 minutes. You will be sent a link with tasks to attempt and questions to answer. Everything you type and do will be recorded for later analysis by one of our specialists.
You could be asked to test or do research on websites, mobile phone websites, apps, tablet websites or apps and even prototypes.
The amount you will be paid depends on the type of test it is and we will confirm that to you when we send an invitation.
Your privacy and the information we store about you
Interested in becoming a paid research participant?