Recherche sur les utilisateurs en Inde

Recherche sur les utilisateurs en Inde

Remote or lab-based user research in India, with real customers and local, Senior UX Researchers

L'Inde est un vaste pays et, pour les entreprises occidentales qui envisagent d'organiser des séminaires de formation, l'Inde est un pays très vaste. Recherche UX or user research with their clients, it can be a daunting prospect. That is where UX24/7 comes in. We are a global design research agency that operates with our own team of Senior UX Researchers.

All our Senior UX Researchers have been evaluated as part of their joining process to ensure they have the skills, capabilities and experience to deliver user research and UX Research to the high standards we expect. Our India team consists of male and female senior UX researchers with the capacity to conduct remote, contextual or lab-based user research in India. We also have excellent language coverage so go well beyond just Hindi.

Remote and lab-based user research in India

We run user research and UX Research in India using remote and lab-based facilities.

Méthodologies à distance

Remote methodologies use online screen sharing technologies, where we have used Zoom and also WhatsApp as a video platform. It’s common to conduct user research in India on mobile Zoom est bien compris et fonctionne bien. Cependant, dans certains cas, WhatsApp a été utilisé lorsque le participant manque de familiarité avec la technologie en général.

Tests en laboratoire

For lab-based testing, the majority of our work has been carried out in New Delhi. This is generally driven by the location of our clients? bureaux, la commodité jouant un rôle important dans la décision. New Delhi compte 10,9 millions d'habitants et Mumbai, 12,7 millions d'habitants, est une ville encore plus importante et très prisée.

Essais dans les villes et les régions

These cities only tell part of the story of India. With such a vast country, with multiple regions, languages spoken and customs, it is crucial to consider your audience carefully. About 90% of the research we carry out in India is delivered remotely?whether discovery, generative or evaluative, i.e. user research. This is because our customers want to speak to people across the geography, and remote is the most cost-effective way.


In all cases, we provide a viewing experience that includes picture-in-picture video and, where required, simultaneous translation into your native language. Recordings of the sessions are also supplied in your local language and with the Indian original.


Finally, our Senior UX Researchers provide a detailed session analysis. Our deliverables include observations and issues together with analysis and actionable recommendations. Our team also speaks English, meaning we can deliver a playback session with you in Indian or English.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to conduct user research in India, we can help.

Quelques faits sur l'Inde :

  • Langue(s) principale(s) parlée(s) : Hindi (44%), Bengali (8%), Marathi (7%), Telugu (7%)
  • Population : 1 391 807 092 (estimation 2021)
  • Capitale : New Delhi
  • Autres grandes villes : Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad
  • Monnaie / unités monétaires utilisées : Roupie
  • Alphabétisation : 77.7% (2022 est.)

Où se trouve le pays : Inde

carte du monde montrant l'emplacement de l'Inde
Drapeau de l'Inde

UX Research and User Research in India


When conducting lab-based user research in India, participants are scheduled to arrive 20 minutes early to allow for traffic. This is particularly important in all major cities including New Delhi. However, participants are usually punctual for remote sessions, so no special measures need to be taken.


Cash incentives are not mandatory, with gifts often being given instead. Vouchers are also acceptable, which is very useful when carrying out remote user research in India.

Recrutement détaillé des participants

With a widely diverse culture, it’s vital to define comprehensive specifications to ensure the recruitment of the desired categories of participants. For this reason, it’s often best to conduct UX research in India remotely to gain coverage across the vast geography. It can be costly to carry out research projects in multiple cities face-to-face.

Communication mobile

Although Indian people use email when recruiting, we tend to ask for a mobile number. This means we can use WhatsApp to communicate with participants, a method with which they’re already familiar. We have found Indian participants to be more responsive to communications mobiles.

Culture des sexes

It is crucial to use a female moderator if you intend to conduct research with female participants in India. Even then, you may find a male partner or family member controlling whether the person will attend.

Négocier une discussion

Indians have a habit of thinking aloud, which is great for user research but can cause problems during focus group sessions with everybody talking at once. Participants must understand the need to speak one at a time to ensure the integrity of the feedback.

Fêtes annuelles

There are several major festivals in India, which are celebrated for several days. These include Diwali (5 days Oct/Nov), Ganesh Chaturthi (11 days Aug/Sep) and Onam (10 days Sep).

Religion et culture

India is made up of various religions, with Hinduism being the most popular, followed by Islam, Christianity and Sikhism. Care should be taken not to upset any religious sensitivity.

Fêtes nationales

Le tableau ci-dessous indique les dates des principaux jours fériés en Inde qui s'appliquent à la majeure partie du pays. Il existe bien d'autres jours fériés régionaux, et nous vous informerons avant le début des travaux des jours fériés qui ont une incidence sur le calendrier de votre projet.

1er janvier Jour de l'an
26 janvier Jour de la République
11 mars Maha Shivaratri
2 jours avant le dimanche de Pâques Vendredi saint
1er mai Fête du travail
15 août Jour de l'indépendance
2 octobre Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
15 octobre Vijaya Dashami
4 novembre Diwali
25 décembre Le jour de Noël

Concevoir pour les différences culturelles ? Recherche UX Inde

La culture indienne est très différente de celle du monde occidental. La culture et le comportement des habitants d'un pays influencent grandement la conception des produits numériques et physiques, et l'Inde ne fait pas exception à la règle en ce qui concerne les tests utilisateurs.

Il existe toute une série de différences culturelles qui ont un impact direct sur la recherche, les tests et la conception UX.

Pratiques et coutumes locales

Cultural diversity often requires complex workarounds for such differences. You only have to consider how contrasting our daily lives look and how complicated adapting what we see as a perfectly suitable system could be. From food to driving, etiquette, and typical protocols?providing the UX research India needs for its users is an undertaking for an experienced and appropriately educated specialist.

Local and regional variations

The way we digest information from culture to culture varies considerably. Conventional viewpoints, politics, traditions, practices, and customs?including the food we eat and dietary conventions?mean that some of the smallest things we take for granted could be a big deal for a culturally different audience. Indian diet culture is one such area; Indian Hindus don?t eat beef, and Indian Muslims don?t eat pork. When working in hospitality or entertainment, it?s essential to get all these details in check. To balance and respect all cultures, resolutions that satisfy all needs are built into the best UX design.

Conditions sociétales

Another significant area of research and user testing in India is the technology available and the expertise of its users. Providing simple and easy-to-understand navigation and operation is paramount in cultures with low technology backgrounds. Not only do the networks, browsers, and hardware have to manage in often less than reliable situations but also in the hands of less experienced and tech savvy operatives.


India has 22 official languages. As you?ll immediately appreciate, that conjures a host of practical issues. Reaching your demographic or the ideal audience for your product or project requires vast understanding. India?s cultural diversity creates complexities in delivery, but all manageable under a well-designed and culturally understanding system.


With such a diverse range of religions and languages, it?s important to show sensitivity to each community. Creating specific areas for particular belief sets can be an appropriate solution, or separate mirror sites where fitting.

Conduite culturelle et tests auprès des utilisateurs en Inde

Une grande partie de la recherche UX consiste à comprendre les utilisateurs et leurs comportements. Pour dresser le tableau le plus clair possible, il faut documenter le mode de vie, l'environnement, la culture du travail et de la vie privée, la technologie et bien d'autres choses encore.

Compte tenu de la diversité culturelle de l'Inde, les équipes chargées des produits en dehors du pays peuvent avoir des préjugés et des idées fausses sur les utilisateurs indiens, ce qui peut conduire à une recherche biaisée. Lorsque l'on se lance dans une recherche en Inde, il est important de connaître la réalité du lieu et les antécédents culturels de la population à partir de sources fiables.

Voici une sélection de considérations culturelles de nos participants indiens et la manière dont nous les gérons.


On occasion, Indian participants may find it difficult to trust researchers. Many will prefer face-to-face interaction instead of remote operations that reveal much about their home life and living situation. This brings problems for researchers, whose understanding depends on many such aspects. Our teams understand its users and are experts at managing user relationships and operations.

Vie privée

Context is highly valuable to UX researchers, so when participants have problems sharing images or detailed descriptions of their homes, living, and social spaces, that context can be lost. Gaining the respect of participants is an essential part of our researchers? work.


The data gathered only has value with consent to use it. Explaining and achieving consent is a hurdle our experts have learned to overcome by developing respectful relationships with testers and participants.


Culturally, Indian participants respect the act of gift giving as a gesture and often prefer it to a typical financial reward. Our researchers know which communities will respond best to different rewards, getting the best results from each user and project.

Outils et technologies

Internet connectivity varies vastly from city to city and region to region, as does the technology of their hardware. Many western tech and tools simply don?t work well with Indian hardware. Many cause their users concern and distrust when opening up their computers and devices to outside entities they don?t know or understand. Managing users and their technology is another area in which we?ve learned to excel in providing the results our customers need.

L'Inde compte environ 646 millions d'utilisateurs de l'internet en décembre 2021, avec une croissance depuis 2019 estimée à 37%. Cela signifie qu'une part importante de la population Internet est relativement nouvelle et n'a pas forcément de compétences en matière de haute technologie. Les propriétaires de produits devraient donc envisager les stratégies suivantes :

  • Éviter l'utilisation d'un langage technique qui pourrait ne pas trouver d'écho auprès de toutes les populations.
  • Concevoir des tâches qui s'inspirent de leurs habitudes ou de leurs expériences antérieures en matière de technologie.

International case study: User Research in China for Boden

India is just one of the markets where we organize and deliver recherche internationale sur l'ux and user research. If you have a requirement in India or any other market please get in touch using the form below and we will be happy to provide a no obligation quotation.

Lukasz Zelezny, SEO Consultant

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