Why freelance UX practitioners should work with UX24/7
The UX industry is changing. In the past 15 years the number of freelance UX practitioners working in the field worldwide has grown exponentially as digital growth has accelerated. At the same time customers of user experience services have become better educated as their knowledge has grown or their roles have been filled by more experienced freelance UX practitioners moving in-house.
Whilst the backdrop to the industry has evolved the agency model that operates within it has not. Services are still over-complicated and remain shrouded in mystery to those outside and it is little wonder that so many interfaces still fail to meet even basic levels of acceptable performance.
At UX24/7 we are bringing usability to the masses. This means making services easier to understand, easier to buy and more consistent in the value they deliver so they are trusted. We believe there are better ways of working that can involve the community of freelance UX practitioners throughout the world and benefit all—customers, consumers and practitioners.
We have published a new eGuide that explains how freelance UX practitioners can work with UX24/7 and the benefits available. Download the guide now and get in touch to speak with us about becoming an accredited practitioner.