How mobile analytics can improve the mobile user experience
We’ve all heard the latest in buzz phrases, ‘Big Data’, and how the exponential growth in the availability of data, once harnessed, will lead to better decision making. But what does this mean for mobile?
With smartphone sales outstripping those of traditional PCs by a factor of 6, and UK mobile internet usage now at 53%, it’s more important than ever to have a strategy in place that will allow you to analyse your mobile traffic effectively – what we like to call the ‘Tiny Data’.
Here are 5 ways by which analytics can improve your customer’s mobile user experience:
1. Avoid the one-size-fits-all approach
Mobile incorporates a broad variety of devices. From tablets to smartphones to feature phones, and all the permutations that exist within those brackets. Knowing the types of device visitors are using to engage with your content, through device detection, will give you the intelligence required to prioritise mobile strategies, such as developing apps, mobile web etc, and create content to best meet your business goals, improve user experience, and attract targeted demographics.
2. Measure by user engagement
Page visit and app download counts don’t account for much when analysing the success of your mobile marketing. User engagement is where it’s at, and understanding how people are using your app (as opposed to immediately deleting it), or interacting with content, is key to developing strategies that enhance the user experience, and encourage customer retention.
3. Find out what works
If you use promotional techniques such as app sponsorship, display ads, SMS etc, analytics will give you a greater insight into which campaigns work, and which ones don’t. Once you have found a method of promotion that drives qualified traffic to your website/app, keep doing it until the data suggests different.
4. Tracking the bottom line
ROI. The all-important acronym that drives all budgetary decisions within the marketing machine. Data derived from analytical software can prove whether investment in certain areas of your mobile web presence is providing a satisfactory return, whether via downloads, click-throughs, purchases, or other actions that ultimately lead to a profit.
5. Personalise the user experience
Collecting customer data helps you to understand what drives an individual to your mobile site/app, how they interact with it, and what brings them to an eventual sale. This ability to trace the journey, from entry point through to purchase, means you can optimise content, and promotional techniques towards individual consumers, personalising their mobile user experience, and increasing conversions.
Improve your customers’ mobile user experience today! Contact UX24/7, and find out how.