4 days after the enquiry we will be in the lab user testing
It goes without saying that we would prefer user testing to be front-of-mind for every client we work with but the reality is a long way from this and is also a reason why we created the operational model we employ.
Last week was a fairly typical week at UX24/7 as once again a project arrived with almost no notice and an incredibly tight time frame. The call came in on Thursday night asking if we could run user testing the following week – early the following week. The chain of events unravelled as follows:
- We took the recruitment brief whilst on the phone.
- We drafted a recruitment screener and contact our recruiting partners to see if any could help us.
- We scheduled the briefing meeting with the client for the following day.
- We located a research facility (the client wanted to view) and reserved it pending confirmation.
- We drafted the statement of work (SoW) describing all the commercial details for the user testing and sent it to the client.
- Friday we received confirmation of the project and a signed SoW.
- We booked the research facility and initiated recruitment.
- We held the briefing meeting and started to draft the research plan.
And then we rested over the weekend!
This week we will be running the project for the client on Wednesday, the 4th working day after the initial enquiry came in. The practitioner running the project has over 20 years experience running user testing of this type and will deliver analysis and recommendations after moderating 6 sessions in a single day. We are able to do this because our operational model is set up to cope with this type of requirement and so we know how to react when the call comes in.
If you have left it to the last minute but still want to make sure user testing happens and delivers value please contact us today on +44(0)800 0246 247, or email hello@ux247.com. We regularly deliver user testing in a very short turnaround cycle without compromising on quality because of our senior team.